New Bohemia

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36 Surly craft beers on tap this weekend at Golden Valley New Bohemia

Will 36 different Surly brews be enough, Surly fans? New Bohemia in Golden Valley is allowing the rabidly popular Minnesota craft beer to take over all of its taps.

Doors open at 11 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 5, but it's likely that only early birds will be able to taste some of Surly's rare ones, including anniversary brews such as First Anniversary Beer One Quad Block, Second Anniversary Beer Fruit, Third Anniversary Beer Braggot and Fourth Anniversary Beer Espresso Milk Stout. Many of the beers have never been outside the Surly Tap Room or been absent from the market for several years, said Brian Ingram, COO at New Bohemia.

Prices are $3 to $4 for the standard issues and up to $9 a glass for the rarest beers that have only 1/6 of a barrel remaining. There is no cover.

The craft beer bar and restaurant will also be launching a new line of Surly Beer Bratwurst--one made with Surly Hell and one with Surly Fiery Hell.